Documents - Purchase Documents

Purchase Orders

In this screen you can create your definitive orders to your suppliers. An order can be transfered to a delivery note when you receive the goods.

To create a new Order, push the Add a New Order button.

You have to select the supplier that you will order the items to.

In this screen you can enter your order the same way as doing a sale. You will see here only items with the Stock status active.

To search items you can use the option Search , the secundary menu , located at te end of the top bar.

You can use the Filter button to search by description. It will show the current stock of the selected item.

With the option Sample you can load all items with 0 units and thus modify only the units with the numeric keypad. You can access this option through the secondary menu , located at the end of the top bar.

With the option Generate you can load a list of items sold since the last order made , so you can easily replace the inventory to the previous status. You can access this option through the secondary menu , located at the end of the top bar.

With the Order discount button you can apply the discount to all the order that your supplier may offer.

There are more options in the context menu:

  • Supplier: you can change the current supplier of the order, but only if you haven't entered any item yet.
  • Filter: you can select to show all items with stock or only the items you ordered previously to this supplier.

  • Print: You can print the order on the receipt printer or export into PDF or CSV file. You can access this option through the secondary menu , located at the end of the top bar.

You can finalize the order with the Finalizar button or cancel the order with the Finalizar button.

The order is stored and can be reopened any time.

The status of the order will be changed to Closed when it is transfered to a Delivery Note. You can change the status of an order with the Open/Close Order button, so you can edit it again. You can delete an order with the Delete Order button.

Using the Print button you can export the current chart into the following formats:

  • CSV
  • PDF
  • EMAIL (sent as an attached PDF file)
  • GOOGLE (printed in A4 format using the Google Cloud Print service)

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