Sales - Opened Receipts and Tables

When you are doing sales you may want to store the orders to continue adding new items or ending the transaction later. This is a common feature for restaurants that use to store table orders.

If you want to work with tables you must open a table before starting the sale. You can recall a table by entering the number on the keypad and then using the TABLE NUMBER button.

If the table number exists for more than one Consumer Area you will be requested to select the area.

If the table was not opened yet it will ask to confirm opening the table.

Another way to store orders is to park a direct sale without using tables. For this you enter the items and use the PARK RECEIPT button.

When you park a direct sale it will ask for a name or description. You can leave this field empty and it will assign a receipt number.

Or you can enter a name to be stored.

On the list of pending orders you will see the name or receipt number below the table icon.

Table screen description

In the left top corner you have the buttons to change the layout of tables shown.

First button is to change the current Customer Area. There is a fixed NO AREA used for parked direct sales. If you push this button you can change to another area.

The standard table view shows all tables in a simple format. You can use the REAL button to show the table map as you designed.

You can draw your own table map with the real shape of your restaurant. Check Consumer Area settings for details. This option is only available for PRO and SERVER licenses.

Using the LIST button you will see a list showing only the current opened tables and parked receipts.

Table operations

By checking the color light of a table you can know the status of this table:

  • Green Light means this table is empty
  • Orange Light means this table has items on it and it is parked
  • Red Light means this table is currently opened in other terminal and cannot be accessed right now

When you push on a table with the Green Light it will be opened directly.

Tables with the Orange Light will show different options:

  • Restore will open the table
  • Preview will show the current items of the table in a window pop-up

  • Delete will cancel all the contents of a table. It will print the cancelled orders to the preparation printers.

  • Print Preview will issue a proforma receipt of the current table
  • Move will allow you to transfer the contents of this table to another table. You can change the Consumer Area if necessary.

Tables with the Red Light are in use in other terminal. If necessary you can Unlock the table to be able to open from this terminal.

You will get a warning message. If the table is currently in use in other terminal it may lose some of the items entered.

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