Setup - Items & Price Levels


Items are the units you use to make the sales. Items are organized into departments.

Here you can manage both items and container departments.

First we will add the Departments.

Push the Add New button to add a Department. If you want to edit / delete the related Department, click twice on them.

Here you can enter the data for the new department:

  • Code: By default, the system generates a sequential code, which can be changed as long as it is unique.
  • Visible: Select if you want this department to be available on the sales screen.
  • Image: Push on Select Image to see the options:

You can choose a picture from the preloaded catalog of images. They are sorted by categories.

You can also pick a color that will fill all the button. The text will be shown centered.

You can use your own pictures. Use the Android Gallery to search pictures on your device. If you have an installed camera, you can also take a picture to capture an image.

  • Name: Here you must enter the name of the department in the default language and you can also enter it in all the languages that are in the application, using the button.

More information:

  • Information: Here you must enter information you want from the department in the default language and you can also enter it in all the languages that are in the application, using the button.

  • Image Click on the button Select Image to choose between several options.

Now you have some Departments created.

If you select a Department and slide your finger on the screen to the left, to access the item management label, you can add items to the selected family using the buttonAdd New

Basic Data

Here you can enter the values for the item:

  • Code: The code is generated consecutively. You can sell an item by entering the code number.
  • Status: If an item is Inactive you cannot sell it.
  • Visible: The item can appear on the sales screen or not but you can still sell it by code or bar code.
  • Favorite: This item can be included in the Favorites department to have a faster access to the sale.
  • Scale: If you have a scale connected you can get the weight automatically when selling this item.
  • Image: You can add a picture or color to this item. Click on the picture to see the options. If the container department has a color defined, the item will take this color by default.
  • Name: The name of the item. Here you must enter the name of the item in the default language and you can also enter it in all the languages that are in the application, using the button.
  • Kitchen Name: You can use a different description to be printed on the kitchen printer orders.
  • Barcode: You can use a bar code reader to sell this item.
  • Department: This is the department that will contain this item.
  • Taxes: You can set the taxes you apply for sales and for purchases for this item.
  • Item Type: There are different types of items:
    • Normal items: the items you use to sell
    • Supplement items: items used only to add features to a normal item
    • Pack items: items that allow multiple choices to sell as a bundle
  • Open Price: You can activate the change of price of this item during the sale in different ways:
    • Always: You are asked to enter the price manually every time you sell this item
    • Never: This item can only be sold with its prefixed price
    • User: This item will be sold with its prefixed price but the user has the option to change the price during the sale
  • Age Verification: You will be prompted to verify the age of the customer before selling this item

Price Levels

In the Price Levels tab you can see all available price levels for this item. If you want to change any of these prices, push on a line and select the pencil icon.

Here you can enter the new price for this price level. Also if you have defined taxes per price level, you can overwrite the tax entering the tax to be applied here.


In the Stocks tab you can activate stock control for this item. Here you have the available options:

  • Minimum Stock: You can set here the minimum stock quantity for this item. You can have a report of the items under minimum stock. Also you can set to see items under minimum stock with a warning sign in the sales screen.
  • Maximum Stock: This is for your own information.
  • Stock Control: Enables the stock control for this item.
  • Sell Item with no Stock: If the stock control is enabled you cannot sell the item if stock is zero.
  • Refund Allowed: With this option enabled, you can make a sale with negative units of this item.
  • Sales Unit: You can set here if you buy this item by weight, unit or volume.
  • Unit of Measure: The number of units depending on the sales unit (weight, unit or volume).
  • Current Stock: This shows the current units of stock of this item (not editable)


In the Groups tab you can add this item to one existing group in order to have a special sales report sorted by this group. Select the line of the group you want to use and push the Modify button.

Select here the option that best fits your item or select the blank space to not use this group.


In the Supplements tab you can choose which supplements will be available for this item. This option is not available for items set as Pack items. Push the Modify button to add supplements.

You can see here all items set as Supplement items. You can choose as many supplements as you need and only these ones will be available for this item.

You can also force the supplements screen to appear when you sell this item by enabling the Supplements Required button.

Modifiers & KP

In the Modifiers & KP tab you can select the Preparation Area where this item will be printed as a preparation order. You can also choose which modifiers will be available for this item. This option is not available for items set as Pack items.

Push on the Preparation Area field.

Here you must select the Preparation Area corresponding to this Item or leave it blank to not assign any.

Click in the Course order field.

Select here the preparation area you want to use for this item or select the blank space to not use any.

Push the Modify button to add modifiers.

You can see here all Modifier Groups. You can choose all groups that may affect to this item. During sales you can only select one modifier from each group.

You can also force the modifiers screen to appear when you sell this item by enabling the Modifiers Required button.


In the Packs tab you can create the components of a pack by selecting the items inside the pack. This option is only available for items set as Pack items.

Push on the Pack Type field.

Select here the pack type group you want to use for this item or select the blank space to not use any.

Push the Insert button to add the components of the pack.

Here you can see the list of all programmed items set as Normal items. Push on the Group field to select where you want to add every item.

After selecting the group, push on a line and insert the item.

You can also use the Filter to find easily your items. Enter some characters and push the Filter button.

Now you can see all details from your pack composition. If there is something wrong, just click on a line and push the Delete button.

In the More Information tab, you can add an image and Item information.

  • Information: Here you must enter information you want from the item in the default language and you can also enter it in all the languages that are in the application, using the button.

Now you have created your own items that you will use for sales.

You can change the order of Departments or Items of the current department by using the top buttons Change Order. Left button is for departments and right button for items.

You can move items up and down by dragging the right button of the item you want to move.

You can use the Duplicate item button to create a copy of the selected item. This can make faster the creation of items with same properties.

You can choose what information will be duplicated from the original item. Enter a name for the new item and select the desired options.

If you have created a Matrix for the items like color, size, or any other variation, you can use the Matrix option to add new items with all combinations.

Select an Item, press the button and select the option Matrix.

In this screen you can see the current matrix for this item. To create new combinations push the Generate button

You can see all the matrix available. You should select all the variations available for this item for each matrix type.

You can see that all possible combinations have been created. The code number of every item is created using the original item number and followed by the suffix of each variation. Also the descriptor name has added the variations description.

You can edit a single matrix item by selecting a line and pushing the Edit button

You can edit the code number and description if necessary. The bar code is also created using the original item bar code number and followed by the suffix of each variation.

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