Sales - Payment Screen

To finalize a sale you must select the payment method used. You have 2 options to end a sale:

  • With the QUICK PAYMENT button the sale will be closed directly as Cash or Credit Card.

  • With the PAYMENT button you will access another screen to choose the different options to finalize the sale.

In this screen you can finalize the sale in different ways. The fastest is to select a Payment function directly, like Cash or Credit Card. It will assign the Amount Due to the Payment. You can now end the transaction with the Finish button.

Another way is to enter in the numeric keypad the amount received and select the proper Payment function. It will calculate the Change to be returned. End the transaction with the Finish button.

You also have the option to use more than one Payment function on the same sale. To do that, enter the amount with the numeric keypad and select the first Payment. As the Amount Due is still not zero you can select another Payment to end the operation.

It is possible to finalize sales using different currencies. Select the currency logo to check available currencies.

The Amount Due is changed into the new currency. When paying in different currencies it is only allowed to pay by Cash.

Once you enter the Received amount, the Change to be returned will be always calculated in the Home Currency.

You can apply Tips to the sale before finalizing the transaction. By settings you can activate an automatic percentage to be applied as a Tip. The other way is to enter an amount on the numeric keypad and select the Tip Payment. This amount will be added to the Amount Due, then you can use another Payment function to end the sale.

You can also assign the Change to be returned to a Tip. You enter the amount to be paid to a Payment function and then use the Tip function. It will ask for using the change as a Tip and finalize the sale.

You can also use Store Credit coupons as a payment. You have to enter the coupon number and then the Store Credit function. It will take the value of the coupon and assign it to the sale. If the amount is not enough to reach the Amount Due then use another Payment function to end the sale.

You can issue new Store Credit coupons when the sale total is negative or you don't want to return the Change amount in Cash. Use the Store Credit function to end the transaction and issue a Store Credit coupon.

There are some function buttons available in the bottom area:


You can divide the sales total into the number of guests that want to pay the receipt. You can enter the number of divisions on the numeric keypad and push the Split Amount key. You will see a line showing the amount to be paid by each person and it will be also printed in the bottom of the bill.


You have the option to extract some items from a receipt to be paid separately. If you use the Split Receipt button you get a new screen.

Now you can select the items you want to split. The new receipt is created on the right side. Use the button to accept the split.

Now you can see the new receipt with the split items. You can end the transaction normally with a Payment function and the Finish button. You can also use the Print Preview button to store this new receipt separately from the original operation.


You can assign a customer to a sale directly from the sales screen or from here. Use the Customer button to assign a customer.

Select one of the customers on the list and push the Accept button. You can also create a new customers from this screen. Check Customer settings for details.

If the customer has special conditions as a fixed discount or a different price level it will be requested to confirm the price change. If you want to finalize a sale with the Pending payment you always have to select a customer.


You can apply a discount to the sale total. This discount can be a percentage or an amount. Use the Discount function to select the desired discount. You can create new discounts from this screen. Check Discount settings for details.


You can open the cash drawer anytime using this button.


You can activate or deactivate the receipt printing with these toggle button. When the printer is Inactive you can issue last receipt after the sale.


You can return to the sale and discard any change you made on this screen.


You can issue a Proforma receipt with this button. The sale remains open.


This function is used to end the transaction. You cannot end a transaction if there is an amount pending to pay.

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