Sales - Search Screen

During a sale you may want to search for an item that cannot be found on the sales screen.

You can also search for previous receipts to review or amend them.

Use the top button SEARCH to access to the Search Screen.

Here you can see a list of all items, sorted by name. You can scroll down to see the whole list.

If you select one item line you will see the linked image of this item and also the current units on stock.

With the Price Levels button you can check all prices of this item.

You can search also by description if you enter some characters and push the Filter button. You will see on the list only the items containing these characters.

If you push the Accept button, the selected item will be transfered to the sale.

You have the option to review all receipts done using the Search Receipts button.

You can see here a list of the receipts done during the last 30 days. You can show a list of a different period using the Date filter.

When you select a receipt line you will see a print preview on the right side. There are some actions that you can perform for the selected receipt:

  • Preview: You will see a pop up screen with the details of the receipt. You can scroll down to see all receipt lines.

  • Print: It will issue a printed copy of the receipt.
  • Payback: You cannot delete any issued receipt but you can amend it and create a new receipt with all values in negative. It will ask to print the new amend receipt.

After this process you will see the contents of the previous receipt on screen so you can edit what was wrong and finalize the receipt again as a new one. If you want to discard the receipt use the DELETE RECEIPT button.

Now you can see that the previous receipt has changed its status to Amended and the new Amend receipt.

  • Change: You can edit the payment methods of the selected receipt if the Daily Cash report of that day is still not done.

You can see the current payment method of the receipt. You can cancel the line and enter the new payment.

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    No results matching ""