Initial Setup


At least one user is required to manage the application and perform the sales operations.

In the Initial Setup you will be asked to enter the basic data for your users. You can edit this data in Setup Mode.

  • Name: The name of the user

  • Access Type: You can choose to have full access as an Admin or limited access for standard users.

Image: Select the image that represents your user using the Select an image button.

You can choose a picture from the preloaded catalog of images.

You can also pick a color that will fill all the button. The text will be shown centered.

You can use your own pictures. Use the Android Gallery to search pictures on your device. If you have an installed camera, you can also take a picture to capture an image.

  • Password: Set here a numeric password if you want this user to always enter it.

You can create up to 10 users in this screen. If you want to create more or edit the users data and permissions, go to Setup and make the changes there.

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